
Does the device heat up while using VR? My Note4 used to boil whenever I put it on that cardboard thingy...

Have you guys tried the daydream and google pixel? Ho did it go? After my phone’s demise to a downpour last month, I’m in a position in which I could potentially get one of these... Though I was thinking of an Xperia X Performance so I can remote play my PS4...

Fun fact, there’s a polish word that literally means “male witch”, and that is what witchers are really called, it’s as common a word as just saying “witch”.

That’s a statue I’d pay for right there!

The first thing I did when I first plugged the PS3 in all those years ago was hunt down the option for turning off that effing background music, that has been my “brand-new console ritual” ever since...

I feel Gravity Rush should be on this list, if not the first one then at least GR2, not only because it’s an exclusive game, unlike many of these which you can just as easily play on any other platform and get the same experience, but also because it’s a damn GREAT game.

You absolutely HAD to include a zelda clip no matter what, right? Was that really the best there was? That’s all the best game of the decade has to offer? Makes you wonder how many people are actually playing it...

Are those regular philip’s screws? On a nintendo console? I never though I’d see the day...

Well, if it’s a solid piece of advice, you really can’t go wrong.


Welp, guess I’ll give the review a try at least, since it seems like THIS particular zelda is the second coming of the messiah himself. Don’t know why I feel like I’ve read that before though...

All of this looks pretty terrible honestly...

My first interaction with the photo mode trend was with Shadow of Mordor and it seemed out of place, it didn’t have anything wrong per-se, but it didn’t seem to fit a game of constant action and orc behading-ness, to suddenly stop to take a picture. Even if the resulting picture was pretty cool, it still felt like

Three games that I was close to buying several times (Tearaway, severd and under night), this is a damn good month for me.

So glad I’m past this phase already....

Yeah, I might be getting old, but think it’s the first time I look at a cosplay post and I’m like “who are these people?”.

I blame the designers, if your game is so much “fun” that people prefer to not actually play it and go do something more interesting in the meantime, you probably went a bit too far with the grinding...

I think it’s mostly a problem with responsibility, and how comedians tend to dodge it by saying “Hey, it’s just a joke, bro”. Anything that comes out of your mind is your responsibility, and as much as you have the right to say it, other’s have the right to disagree and voice their opinions, you don’t get a free pass

How can there be an automated “anti-cheat system” for a game that launched last week? How do they know what players are going to be exploiting before hand? Granted, they could have some data from the beta, but I can’t imagine it being enough to fully automate the process... Or i this sort of back-end check that makes

Holy shit man, this is incredibly convoluted for a simple username, you got three separate things you have to go out and claim...? Or did I understand that wrong? Can’t you just pick a nickname when you create your account and have it be the same for every system you log into? That’s how the PSN works, and I’m pretty