
He's glorious.

Someone needs to educate this BASIC BITCH. Everybody knows it was Kim

I believe this. Sincerely.

Kanye’s thirsty looks at Amber Rose are gonna make the whole thing worth it. They better attend!

I'm gonna love love LOVE looking at the pictures of Kanye staring longingly at Amber Rose. Wedding of the century.

How perfect would that be?

he’s so fucking orange. how do you even get that orange?

EWWWW. what an image.

Daesh needs to come for Hannity. i can’t think of a more terrible pain to inflict on a terrorist network and its 50 thousand fighters. they’ll start drowning themselves in cages.

Now playing

oh god! Nickelback is the WORST. However, I know all the stupid lyrics to their dumb songs like this one....

totally threw me back, too. I am currently listening to Hinder. Put me out of my misery, internet connection, and die now.

Now playing

my high school bf was obsessed with Limp Bizkit. Went on a snowboarding trip and the whole ride up the mountain was that one fucking cd.

same. i had no idea it was christian rock - that’s how oblivious i was as a teen.

Dolly wiped the floor with Katy. I didn’t even look at Katy during the performance.

Reason why they made it so big is the variety. There’s just so many of them. Maybe you’re sick of seeing Kim but she's got 18 sisters to choose from.

his agent must hate him right now.

I think the GOP knows it's going to lose 2016 and has set it sights on 2018 for the senate and congress and the 2020 election. Depends on how Hillary does the next 4 years, they'll have a serious shot then.

Same. Except my ungraying was last year. Le sigh.

i don’t give a shit who you think you are because to me, you are an ignorant TROLL who tries way too hard to fit in. IRL, too, I imagine.
