google it
google it
i sold my ps3 to get a ps4. why on earth would i want to go back when i already put several hundred hours into most of the games i have any desire to play. why on earth would i want the devs to waste their talent and time making my next gen console work with games i'm through and done with?? if i want another ps3,…
I'd rather have the people who get a kick out of this sort of thing, actually playing this game, then them going out and figuring it out in real life. My urge to punch stupid people in the fucking teeth dropped drastically when i started playing video games again. So i imagine people with even more fucked up heads…
dude, i feel your anger. it's so infuriating when asshats bring up the constitution for private/person to person dealings where the government is neither needed nor wanted.
yea...... that's outdated thinking best left in the 90's.
nowadays games CAN be movies because we have long since surpassed the 16bit era.
It's not a marketing ploy.
buying early access games as a gift is a dick move. the only people who should have early access are those who seek it, just like the article stated. early access is rough, full of glitches, risk of constant character resets. unless the person you're buying for said, i want this game early…
isn't this the game created by neo-nazis??? wouldn't that be a good enough reason to delist it?? certainly is for me.
people didn't like it because of how far it strayed from roddenberrys Utopian style future. ds9 was hard, gritty, and awesome, but a radical approach to the star trek theme that was too much for your average nerd with furrowed unibrow.
this made me smile
but does it run a ps1 emulator 100% flawlessly? i bet it doesn't. i bet your phone doesn't have the pure amount of processing power to get a 100% emulation. The issue isn't about whether they can, it's about whether it's profitable.
yet you fail to address the op at all in your long winded diatribe trying to prove me wrong but going into a long winded logical fallacy.
congratulations i guess??
my point and the op still stands that locking players out of game modes simply because of a paywall/dlc that they were playing minutes or seconds prior is…
my marijuana vaporizer collection??
uhhh have you ever played a video game before?? call of duty comes to mind. you didn't need to buy the dlc in order to get killed by an enemy wielding a dlc weapon, nor did you need to buy the dlc in order to pick up that weapon and kill people with it. Your breaking news just doesn't stack up to the way games can…
your argument doesn't really make sense. because you haven't played it yet, it doesn't deserve game of the year?
it was made this year, and the people who judge games played it. because thats what they do for a living. whether you have time or not is wholly irrelevant. cuz i have time, and most of my disabled…
you are correct. well, i mean, i've eaten them separately not together, but i'm honestly not that big of a fan of either rice or spam. rice is ok if it's chicken fried, but otherwise, icky. i want salty greasy french fries dammit!!! LOL
because equality for all is such an amazing insult. you're adorable brucie.
you have scarred me forever with this monstrosity you call a breakfast
rape culture doesn't exist because i was never raped.
i don't know what any of that means.
I'm commenting because i just bought the game and i will know soon enough. lol
sigh. because obviously after 2000+ years of storytelling, there are only original stories left.