
Woah, don’t let facts get in the way of everyone hating Lewis. That’s what jalopnik is for!

Best racetrack in the world. Long course, lots of elevation, no dumb turns. 

What are the other countries that like them that aren’t former USSR countries? They look awful and the only cars with them in Australia are the Volvo V40 and Mazda 3 that I can tell.

I’m 6'6, 300lb. The clowning aspect is one of the reasons they appeal to me.
(To my shame, I’ve never yet sat on one of the mini-motos they do circuit sessions with at a local bikeshow...)

He has some stuff done to it, more comfy seat, windshield, a few others, but nothing to the engine. I think what happened is that he bought the motorcycle he wanted, not what everyone thought he should buy.

Or just stop caring what random people think of you, especially since you likely won’t ever talk to/see them again.

Punch above your weight class today.

Don’t want low-rent passengers? Don’t offer low-rent fares.
Also, F Ryanair - they try to monitize everything. Ever seen Border Patrol?

America 3: Do remember that first time Ford won in 1966 with a car that wasn’t actually American, and those other times in 1968 and 1969 with cars that weren’t actually American either?

Came to ask about this car. Saw it or a twin at Brand’s Hatch in 2010.

While it’s fun making fun of Honda, them exiting the sport is bad for the sport. If we really want F1 to stay exciting and be on the cutting edge, we should root for them to succeed.

That’s interesting that you mention Craigslist is more common in Vancouver, I had always thought all of Canada had jumped on the Kijiji bandwagon.

They expect you to show up with a bank check from the bank you took out a loan from. People on craigslist try to buy cars on the installment plan from sellers, and some dumb sellers actually do it.

Also, why cash versus a bank check? As long as the check is valid of course, it’s all cash money, no?

With the rise of Donald Trump, chumps like this have the impression that assholes are now a protected class.

I agree. Personally, I think that would be PLENTY.

Truly, we live in a golden age when we complain that sports cars “only have 335 HP.”

I don’t think that’s what tasteful means.

Funny, but raises an important issue.

I think I know the price of a Singer with one of these.