
Hopefully they’ve learned that less is more and they don’t need to dumb things down to the level of they lowest common denominator

The Horizon was around the same size as the Ford Escort or Vauxhall Astra. The Sunbeam was based on a shortened Avenger chassis and smaller than the Horizon.

The Sunbeam was RWD

There are currently 9 Tagoras registered in the UK and as of WE 2017 all have SORN status.

Good idea, people are too stupid. I’ll often walk straight at someone walking and texting and then shout eyes up when they are about to bump into me. Makes me laugh and laugh.

It wasn’t Serbia when the car was first designed and produced

Unions and workers were one and the same. Management were equally to blame.

It was a combination of all 3

Looks to be around 73-74 judging by the registration numbers on the cars. I’d also suggest it’s a newsreel, the kind that used to be shown at the movies before the main presention, rather than a TV show.

A very weird mix of Mitsubishi and Renault

A very weird mix of Suzuki’s and a Toyota Corolla/Carina

We get ads during F1 in Canada but the difference is we get the race in splitscreen. Most of the races are on far too early for me to watch so I pvr and ffwd during the ads. If something important happens I watch it but usually nothing of note really happens during that time.

I’m always amazed at how much Americans want their sports to be controlled and the playing field equalized and yet so many hate socialism.

F1 has prettymuch always been like this during the 30+ years I’ve been watching it.

It’s not as wonderful as you think

More shitty bollocks

How on earth is the gas station worker overreacting?

The single biggest insurance event in Canada was caused by hail damage. Not all of it car related but there were still claimants waiting to have their cars repaired/replaced 18 months later due to the volume.

You mean exactly like Apple does?

Horrific ergonomics with both the rev counter and speedo obscured by your hands on the steering wheel