I DO have bleeding on my iPad 1 LCD. Its a refurb and i bought it a month ago for a good reduction so i don't really care. I wonder if this is common the iPads first gen or if they put those LCDs in the refurbs?
I DO have bleeding on my iPad 1 LCD. Its a refurb and i bought it a month ago for a good reduction so i don't really care. I wonder if this is common the iPads first gen or if they put those LCDs in the refurbs?
Would be if the resolution wasn't le suck.
"Wanna be unique? Go Android."
I would paste this link to my Facebook so that my friends without Facebook accounts could see it if only they had Facebook.
Sony Confirms ‘External Intrusion’ Is Behind multiple organ failure.
AH! nice
Ha! Nice try :)
Lol, i just ditched my Air to buy a Pro :P
does the Tom Clancy game run on native res on the iPad? or X1,X2 ?
I'm not buying any of the COD games because they were the firsts to sell their games for 59$ and the DLC is also too pricy. I simply find these games too expensive.
The iPad 1 for 350$ on refurb is hard to beat i think :P
+1 liked it better before and also i find the ads on the site more and more invasive.
Well, the problem is that this game is Java based and Apple will not allow this game on the app store. Unless they are reprogramming the whole thing on something else. I don't know if that would be possible or how long it would take.
The Gizmodo logo is over the video. Maybe this is how you want it to be but i see this as a problem. Just so you know you take too much place.
@djscruffy: Yeah exactly. I think Sony has lost the right to complain. At least it has lost the compassion they're looking for :P
Aaaaahhhh poor poor poor Labels companies. Do you feel STUCK with Apple? Well now you feel the same way we felt STUCK with you before.
@Gamebatch: Well then he'd be stuck with a gamepad.
@ChunkAhoy: I like the idea though.
They wouldn't let the moms play the game because the controls were too shitty, muahahahahahah :P