We’ve all heard the term “benevolent sexism” by now to describe supposedly chivalrous ideas, right? Yeah?
We’ve all heard the term “benevolent sexism” by now to describe supposedly chivalrous ideas, right? Yeah?
White culture = toxic
A culture in which a mother burns her own daughter alive should’t be criticized? Fuck off with that moral relativism bullshit...
Why does pointing out one religion's shittiness prevent the same from happening to another religion? Both are shitty, and fuck you or anyone else who wants to hide behind accusations of ”racism” as a means to give one of them a pass.
Or you know - we could hold both Islam and Christianity accountable. It’s not an either-or situation. And Islam is not connected to race, so there’s that too.
Bill Cosby got the benefit of the doubt for a very long time, after many, many accusations. He’s not really the best example.
Kristen was terrific in Sils Maria. I mean, she still says stupid shit but she’s an excellent actress.
Are you making this up? Because I’ve seen no one express the opinion that Rihanna is a downgrade for Leo. Mismatch, perhaps. Diversion from his usual type, definitely (even though that’s not exactly accurate either.) But downgrade? Who, where said that?
Maybe one day society will mature to the point where we can look at the positive and the negative of individuals without having to throw out the entirety of a person’s legacy for one failure on their record. People are flawed. There are no heros. If you dig deep enough into ANYONE, you can find grounds to reject them.
Speaking as a filmmaker, I hate, hate, hate it when fellow filmmakers use the “we’re telling a story” as a crutch for every decision they make, and a bullwark against every criticism. Not enough blacks in your movie? “Well we’re trying to tell a story...” The women in your movie are reductive caricatures with no lives…
Beautiful, Kate. The Ramona books were at times hilarious, desperately sad, filled with enough sense of solitude to make Emily Dickinson cringe, infused with dinner table conversations as real and raw as a ribeye, and always, always, deeply and wantonly subversive. I was able to read early, and after a thousand rounds…
Wait, what? Isn’t a project to analyze the meaning of “whiteness” and its history a pretty obviously good idea? I expect to see people upset about that at the Daily Caller, not here.
But isn’t using the “history month” moniker kind of their point? Like it seems as though they were riffing on the assholes who are always like “why isn’t there White History Month?” or whatever. The project seems problematic to say the least, but I think they knew exactly what they were doing when they called it…
Emma. Why did you cause racism? And when are you going to end racism?
I’ve seen and really don’t get this argument. My last name has been my last name from birth. Just like it was my father’s last name from birth. Is it more “his” last name than mine because he’s a man? Or because he’s older? It’s not “my father’s name”—it’s a whole bunch of “Keyser’s” (men and women) names. Including…
‘This... stuff’? Oh. Okay. I see. You think this has nothing to do with you. You go to your phone and you select... I don’t know... that social media app, for instance because you’re trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your phone. But what you don’t know is that…
My favorite misattributed quote is at our local post office. The have a lengthy screed about customer service and how the customer is #1... who supposedly said this? Ghandi.
There’s this weird preoccupation on the left that the people who are best-equipped to fix a problem are the ones who have been direct victims of it. Which certainly does play a role, but doesn’t always necessarily pan out to positive outcomes in the real- someone who has spent a great deal of time studying and…
I ADORE him. So much so that I’ve bought the clipping albums. He’s impressive.
Mmmmm, Oak.