
I’m starting to think Ezra could be Snoke. Isn’t the Mandalorian gals clan called Ren? Maybe Ezra puts together his own type of Force User group. Something to think about. I think Ezra looks a little like Snoke.

Screw DC, they are constantly F’ing their character around and just ruining it..

I can’t even take this list serious. You have crappy movies at the top and good movies at the bottom. I thought the Wolverine was one of the better comic movies and a lot better than any of the Batmans (except maybe the last Bale one).. Damn, you even rate the Hulk higher than that movie. I’m sad now..

PREACH ON !! Great show.. Fantastic.

I liked this crossover. Unfortunately I let a friend borrow some of them and then shortly after I read in the paper that he got caught doing bad things with young people at a christian camp. So I didn’t ask for them back.

could watch that gif all day.


ya man that scene was great.

An address would have been nice.

I can’t stand that Batman. makes me sick ug.

I can’t even make it through an episode.

WTF just happened?

Is this the same asshat that was kicking over the horse robot??

I’m sure they are planning some stupid Crisis of Infinite Earths movie. It’s the only way to make this awesome (for me). Actually, except for Brandon Routh being two people, they could do some cool stuff in a few years.

Am I the only one that thinks it’s a waste of time to write about Super V Bat?

Reasons I think Rey could be of the Kenobi line.. Finn in our reality is English and has an English accent, but doesn’t sport it in the movie, yet Rey does.. To me this has meaning. It matters that she has the accent. Obi Wan was alone for 18 years or so, it’s highly possible that he got it on with someone and had a

Aren’t the comic books these are based off of “same old same old”?? None of this is original. I think Marvel is doing an amazing job and DC won’t even get close to what they end up achieving once it’s all done.

Have you seen the clone wars cartoon series? Also, Obi Wan hung out with a much cooler Anakin for 15 years or so? He wasn’t always a dick.

No mention of the Falcon coming out of hyperspace right before hitting the planet? Seems very crop dustery (I made that word up). I didn’t think there was a whole lot of the “force” in A New Hope. Seemed about the same here.