
How’d she get to the moon to pick up the hammer?

wait what? I need to go watch the clip..

I watched both last week and enjoyed them.

Charlie or whatever her name was? Yes she was. The Crossbow girl

F@#$@$ DC comics in the goat @$$.. sorry for the language, but it’s just how I feel.

I agree, but the dialog just killed me. I also hate how after a year or so, Charlie was the super tracker ultimate badass.

It was painful to watch most episodes if not every single one.

Revolution. I was really excited about the idea of a world that just lost electricity. I’m not sure how I watched just about every episode because the dialog was horrible, the concept went to hell and there just turned out to be nothing even remotely believable about this show.


Time to lose that hair. he isn’t Xavier until that happens (IMO).

I finally took everyones advice and got onboard. Finished them all on Sunday and was happy I did it.

Lol there is a dude at work with that hair.

Isn’t Flash going to be in one of the movies?

LOOK!! the one thoughtful person on the internet!

I was just about to chime in to say the same thing. HOWEVER, I've had a good time catching back up with some Marvel stuff. My love of comics was due to Marvel and I joined DC with the death of Superman. Once I started seeing this Crisis and that Crisis, well let me say, 52 mixed with Civil War drove me away. GotG got

What a great show that was. I really want to put on a black mask and go get my ass beat all across town.

The Sog is an auto, which I've always wanted a switch blade, it feels lighter with a larger blade. I caught it on a nutnfancy video and sure enough, the guy sold me on it. The only time I don't carry it is when I have to keep the knife in my off hand pocket, that's when I carry the Leek.

I've sense moved on to carrying this guy every day.

Tip #11