
Black and white images sell it just fine. "For just .20 a month you could host your very own space robot. .20 a month can upgrade its cameras to color so your robot will send back the best pictures possible.. " My point being that if they don't like B&W then they need to urge for more money to NASA.

Time to email Marvel.

*Deep inhale*

Something about her annoys me. I do like this though, but I'd rather the fishnets once she gets good.

Kind of got over Eminem like 10 years ago.

#@%#$%#$% DC Comics!!!!!!!

I hate hate hate futuristic slang.

Melted your what?

SOOOOOOO ready for a trailer.

So much hotter as a blonde.

I feel that movie summed it up quite perfectly.. There is only one Return of and it aint the King.

Where's the gun and the EDC knife?

F. U. DC comics

Jaws still messes with me to this very day..

And the next 911 style pilots thank you for saving them time on those pesky flight school classes.

I'm ready to see Cap smite someone with that there hammer. it is.

Does this guy count?

A 2 part Infinity War.. I'm about to cry over here.. sniff sniff.. So much awesome going on over at disney..

Looks familiar.

SCREW DC COMICS!!!!! The crap they do to their readers is unforgivable in my book.