
Thanks for the heads up. I just put this out to all my friends that are flipping burgers at age 30.. Maybe they can learn a little something.

so hot as a brunette.

You're fired. Collect your things and turn your IP address in at the front desk. No more internets for you.

WHOA WHOA WHOA, DON'T YOU BE SORRY.. Boba Fett is lame as hell.. He never did anything cool in the movies and for some reason people think he's a bad ass. This guy's a joke..

Sheeeet I thought you were talkin bad about my boy Obi Wan.. That man is the definition of bad ass..

How about the power to move you!

Easy answer.

Surely there will be another part to it, something that stays in space.. Actually found this..


For serious, that made my nips tingle..

I'm so glad someone saved this show. It's just so much fun.

That won't work in Texas right now. It's AC or death round these here parts.

My kittehs thank you for the pets they got after I watched this.

I believe her name is also Starhawk. Didn't they merge and then separate or something?.

You should drop whatever you're doing and head to the ER.. I hope whatever is wrong with you can be cured.. Just be prepared for a lobotomy or electroshock.


It did not make me fall in love. Sorry.

I disappear at night too. A lot of people do.