
An Epson MX-80 dot matrix printer.. Used only by true professionals.

Awww this little Zotac MB is so cuuuuuuute..

so it wouldn't work on any of the releases with IIS such as XP Pro and 7 Ultimate?

you can do this with several versions of windows as well. No need to run a VM just for HTTP server.

Hmm, might be nice to use this as propaganda against North Korea. Look, we have Iron Man, you have???????

Someone needed lifehacker to tell them how to do this or was this just a way to introduce the blog?


So many lol's

in a gui environment they will always only use a keyboard.

When the cursor moves it will be more like when you are typing it and will beep every time a character is print.

seriously amazing stuff going on here. how the hell do they make this stuff.

1:05 is the new love of my life. drool

cant there be a story within the already known lore? for instance saving private ryan isnt a complete story of ww2, its a sliver of it and has nothing to do with tons of facts.

Nice reply to a 2 year old post.

Good Job Kid!!

"But - here's the important part - it's a fucking comic book. Any fan who believes this is going to be a permanent change of the Spidey status quo is an idiot" EXACTLY

and super cute too.

You may refer to "weaponseducation" and "nutnfancy" on youtube. They are both rather popular and admit that things like blunt weapons, mase, tazers and other items are better to use, but when those don't work and it's you or them, the gun will help you in that moment.

ahem.. 9-11 didn't involve a gun at all. OKC, again no guns. These children were no safer if there was no such thing as guns. An axe is all that you need to take out 20 kids. It's easy to point at guns as the issue, one thing I can promise you is that it wasn't MY guns that did it.

If they don't go to xda, they most likely don't have the skills to figure it out anyways. move along.