
The Wolverine Origin movies really should have been a trilogy or more. Imagine the first movie to be pure wilderness, the next could be some black ops movie, the third would be 100% Weapon X and kind of scary, but no, Weapon X lasted all of 5 minutes.

Yay another crappy wolverine movie, or as I like to call these movies ClawMan.


How about we start with a whole different character and make some more movies.. It's time to forget about this AntiBatman.. Worlds Greatest Street Brawler..

The first Atrix was my first android phone and it is still running great.

Now playing

These Batman movies were not Batman. Fyi.. get off it's nuts.. This movie was cool for sure, but that was because of Bane.. I'm so happy they are over so that we can have a new set of Batman movies that retell an inacurrate methos. "WHERE ARE THE DRUGS!!!!" "WHERE ARE THE DRUGS"

They are punching boobies.. nice

WHAT!! I love the old Guardians of the Galaxy.. would be awesome if they use them.

BAD F@#$@#$ ASS

Can't wait to read the comments about the hot Russian chick and Poles..

SMASH! lol

4 movies? what about the Hulk ?

The punishment didn't fit the crime, you don't have to sign a ticket and littering doesn't = a taze. Regardless of whether or not she was pregnant, she shouldn't be tazed for what happened.

Oh Matrix 2 and 3 are worse than garbage.

Raspy fail voice, fail joker that was not the joker, Batman should be scary.. This wasn't Batman and this isn't the Joker IMO.

Xmen 2 and the Dark Knight = this is fail.. These movies blew

Bet you wouldn't say "tough shit" if you had been in the World Trade Center after we pissed off the terrorist douches.

HAHA I clicked this article just to make sure that Anakin and Padme were in it.

And you couldn't call anyone?

no, I think it's better for us to focus on new space ships and doing new things.. AKA landing stuff on asteroids and then coming back to earth.