Nene has been obnoxious for... many seasons.
Nene has been obnoxious for... many seasons.
100% correct, was confused immediately.
good point! i would think at least the staff was still paid, and the business took the financial hit, though. still sucks.
top notch content right here
it definitely wasn’t just rich people she scammed. it was anyone who came in contact with her. Agree that I don’t mind the parts where she didn’t pay luxury hotels, etc.
The Reply All podcast has an episode about this which is quite good/funny.
I think the author was referring to the media’s hunger for details on the story or on stories in general, not to Jussie. Preceding that sentence, he wrote, “Everyone was rapt.” I could be wrong, though.
Carly’s last name is spelled two different ways, not sure if mistake is Jez’s or the quote?
omg same. or just use his first name and hope whoever is listening figures it out.
I initially read the word deposed as deported, and boy did I click fast.
he’s been on LAHH for a while and generally tries to get as much attention as possible.
OF COURSE Pratt’s church was nice to him when he got divorced. First of all, he’s famous. Second of all, he’s straight. They want him to love their church and keep talking about it!
same same
Same for me! I eat all the regular meals and snack too. I am a fucking monster without breakfast.
This really reminds me of when Beyonce used audio from the Challenger on “XO.” Really poor taste.
Was also confused by this.
You do not know that.
I feel the opposite.
Well I did mistype Emily in my comment too, whoops! :)