Chuko Kpolugbo

I mean, sure, we could reflect on whether labeling any political opposition in rather extreme terms created an environment where Democrats were unable to convince somewhat moderate right-leaning individuals that Trump really is terrible, or we could double-down and call them all racists. Which strategy do you think

That's four THOUSAND pixels each frame!

I think this whole brocialism movement is going to blow over, just like Ron Paul. The political leanings of the male college age crowd are fickle, seeing as how they flipped from libertarianism to socialism in just a few years. The Democrats don't need to move farther left; they need a leader who's not boring, and a

Just a dash.

I wonder what HBO could do with Star Trek?

So you're saying she did her best, it wasn't much?

I think a huge failing of liberalism is the fact that liberals tend to cling together. It's reflected in satire, and also in the electoral college; (the votes were there, just not in the right places.) There's no meaningful flow of ideals; it's just college educated vs non-college educated, coast vs the rest of the

And they're overcompensating with some demographics.

He couldn't put herding into the model since the model is just based on polls themselves, and that would be theoretically included in the margin of error. Here's where he mentions it:…

?????? He had the odds of Trump winning at around 30% yesterday, which, considering how close it was, is quite reasonable. He even pointed out that the later polls that showed Hillary with around a two or three point lead were sketchy, since they were all so close together. (He called it 'herding'.) This is not his

I'm going to assume that very subtle pun was unintentional.

Someone needs to write an essay or opinion piece on the accidental comic genius of 'Sad!' It's like trying to force together an exclamation and quiet reflection.

It feels like the writers are more familiar with Star Trek than Star Wars. The dialogue makes Manddalorians seem very Klingon with them saying 'honour' in every other sentence.

So, Fenn Rau is forced by the rebellion to command his troops to allow the rebels to pass through the sector. This (obviously) causes the Empire to respond by taking back control of Concord Dawn. Now Fenn Rau is joining the rebellion even though they're pretty much responsible for what happened. I don't really know if

I wouldn't get too worry until they come up with a narco-intercontinental ballistic missile.

I think I was mostly impressed by the concept, like the extraction scene in The Dark Knight.

I find most Nolan movies visually interesting enough to watch, (with the notable exception of Interstellar; seriously, don't get me started on that.) Yeah, Rises had a pretty stupid story, but that plane seen!
I actually thought that the Wonder Woman trailer was more of a mixed bag than really great. Most of it was

Trailer comes out; everyone gets very excited despite their earlier skepticism. Movie comes out; everyone is very disappointed. We've done this dance enough to remember the next few steps by this point.