There is a touch screen. 6.2 inch, multi touch. Emily Rogers mentioned this, and eurogamer confirmed today.
There is a touch screen. 6.2 inch, multi touch. Emily Rogers mentioned this, and eurogamer confirmed today.
You’re not on the right track. Dual screen gaming works for mobile extremely well. Because it uses small screens that are constantly in your line of sight. You don’t have to look up and down over and over again. Dual Screen gaming on a home console did not work. Proof enough is found in the Wii U, its lack of…
they do have motion control. In the splatoon segment some folks are seen playing with one of the controls, meaning motion is in it. Besides that, its been rumored, and essentially proven from documents leaked from a Marketing research slide, and emily rogers said it will have motion and touch.
the comments are littered with folks who believe in ignorance. They must be in bliss.
I think all developers should release demo versions.
maybe add a NSFW tag at the top.
You mean her more realistic body structure and lighting? Yeah...what a...downgrade.
If youre upset about it being on a portable device you should be mad at the market, not the dev teams. It makes sense for a game like MH to be on a handheld. Its the perfect example of a pick up and play multiplayer game.
Nah its fine. If you don’t like it, go back to quickplay or competitive.
Is this really a post on this website? You couldn’t have taken some screen caps or added some menu items with an opinion?
When I read you claim “You’ll want to save the game several hundred times over the course of Dragon Quest VII (which is many dozens of hours long). If you don’t, you’ll lose stuff when you die.” which to me was a red flag as someone who has actually played the DQ series. Because in Dragon Quest, you don’t get game…
Its a different era than when most of us were kids. When I was growing up I’d be out until dark, sometimes well pass dark, playing with my friends. Id bike home, or walk 2 miles home at 1 am when leaving a friends house.
People used to give a damn about people and in general this was a unified stance on “protect the…
They could figure it out with some small time looking through google. When my son gets old enough to even think about being on the computer those parental controls are going to be through the roof.
Strongly disagree with your entire stance on the story and voice acting.
It wasn’t windwaker.
Well in the long run Im assuming it was designed as a way to remind players what stuff does should they take a long absence from the title. Just would’ve been nice to have a disable feature.
skyward sword does a like a temporary memory thing. Where if its the first time youve found something since powering on, it gives the full rant, 2nd time then its short. But every time you turn off and return itll start over.
“Any client Phoenix takes is always innocent. Phoenix always exonerates them.” Has obviously not played the entire series.
Its fanbase is a big problem as well. A lot of smashers are ridiculously entitled and have awful attitudes.
I dont know either