Breaking news: Arrogant man was nice to his daughter.
“standup comedian embellishes details for sake of comedy.” News at 11.
Paulie’s robot could not be reached for comment.
The publication of Heard’s private interactions with her therapist was indeed a gross invasion of privacy. I’m glad to see the AV Club is addressing it by (checks notes) publishing her private interactions with her therapist.
If this is an opportunity to advocate for Malick’s most recent movie, A Hidden Life, it is an incredibly beautiful film. Challenging but powerful. Don’t let any ill will created from his prior works affect your opinion on this one. It was a magnificent return to form.
They will never find the bodies....
Probably the singing duck
“After having criticized Picasso in their lauded Netflix special Nanette, Gadsby was tapped to co-curate an exhibition to mark the 50th anniversary of the artist’s death.”
A huge relief for commercial music. I can’t imagine the implications of creating a precedent for using mashups as smoking-gun evidence.
I didn’t know about his injuries prior to his first weekend show. I hope he’s alright. That said, this situation is just another example that Coachella peaked in 2016/2017. Especially since coming back post-COVID it hasn’t been the same. Way over commercialized, extortionate prices, way too many people, way too much…
David Lowery seems quite happy at Disney
Damn, is every presidential candidate being subjected to unlawful raids?
emotional distress, embarrassment, ridicule, loss of reputation and humiliation
And whatever they called the extended cut of Alien3 is...okay, not -good-, but it was getting there. Marked improvement.
Personally, I liked Alien 3, despite it’s obvious flaws. I also thought that it was a perfect end to the Alien saga with the Xenomorph’s (hopefully) last offspring being destroyed along with Ripley and Weyland-Yutani being foiled from getting their potential weapon.