I don’t have a problem with this, we should be taking these tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the homeless and tempest tossed. Hey, that’s catchy, we should put that on some sort of statue.
what in the actual fuck.
You think he’s waking up? I suspect he’s been up all night. And by “up” I mean high as fuck.
Look, I know you flat-out don’t like him, but I’m sorry, he’s quite clearly not in early-stage dementia.
Go on, explain to me how he’s not in early-stage dementia. I’ll sit here and wait.
Two amazing things here
Keeping American secure is a lot easier when have good relations with neighboring countries. Pointlessly picking a fight with Mexico is making our country less secure. Even dumb assholes who hate brown people should be able to understand that. Want to be sure that Mexico stops cooperating with us on drugs,…
I'm convinced it's because he is is constantly constipated from his shit diet. I almost wish someone would give him laxatives, just to see the shit show from Trump shitting his pants during a MAGA rally
This is actually pretty big. He’s effectively suing to restrict Congressional oversight over the Executive branch.
I did that with tabascos last year, might try different ones this year
Here are the notable firings and resignations of the Trump administration in chronological order:
So the Trump administration is concerned that ICE has been too humane so far? And Nielsen is an example of someone who is too decent for the new direction the agency is going. Okay....
Not everything has to be a damn contest.
I had the same question. Like, you mention there is film, but we can’t see it? This seems like a BFD to have actual film of a story like this, however short or incomplete the clip may be.
This, sadly, does not mean they won’t still vote for him because a racists, sexist currupt asshole is ‘still better than a democrat”
She doesn’t care what any of us think. We are the peasants; she is the gentry. She, more than any other member of the Trump administration (saying a lot), is determined to establish an honest to god official aristocracy in the US.
I mean, will any reprimand even come of this?