
If it doesn’t depreciate by 40% in the first three years, and replacement parts don’t cost three times the price of normal parts, then it’s not a luxury car.

Seems like since Archer Vice, every successive season’s gotten better design and animation and worse writing. WHAT THE SHIT, ARCHER?

Remember you told me to tell you when you were acting rudely and insensitively? Remember that? You’re doing it right now.” ~ Jim Sting, WarGames (1983)

Being a bit generous with the label "adult" there

My eyes won’t miss the 53' long, 14' tall box in front of me.

Shouldnt “autonomous” vehicles not have the ability to be set to auto pilot and go in excess of the posted speed limit? If safety IS your top concern (as Tesla positions “autopilot” to be significantly safer than a human driver) then what is so safe about travelling 68mph on a 55mph road?

I’m still a little scared, tbh

Rife’s fear conducting this interview is almost palpable. I think I was a little afraid reading it.

This is everything I could have ever wanted from a Werner Herzog 11 Questions and more.

You must be new here.

I just hope there’s an enterprising cub reporter who works for a strong investigative newsroom who’ll alert us when the inground pool goes in at the judge’s house.

This certainly seems like the correct legal ruling, and people shouldn’t let their political leanings, their hatred of the Patriots, or those incorrect reports of a link to human trafficking get in the way of seeing that the cops overreached in this case, and that threatens all of our privacy. I’m glad he had the the

“my public defender could have got me off.”

I’ve seen horses DQed for way less egregious infractions than that. Cutting off two other horses and forcing them entirely out of contention in a race is absolutely worth a DQ.

I don’t see how it’s true. Some things, like Thanos’ first death, happen so quickly they’d be over before you have a chance to take a photo. Also, not ONE person sat around him told him to put his phone away, over those three hours?

Also my immediate takeaway. Fuck that guy.

So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.

Shanna, they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let ‘em crash.

I quit After Greg Hardy. Deadspin is all of my NFL action.

As Espinal recounts what seems to be the incident that led to the son’s broken arm, she also paints a picture of a fractured relationship