
Do people actually still use “lampin”?

Leon being Larry’s assistant is so genius, I can’t believe it took so many seasons to make it happen. I hope it sticks, even in light of the whole fatwa thing.

I also love the notion that hugging a Nazi is some sign of ridiculously effete white privilege. The article even feels compelled to at least acknowledge that Fred Armisen isn’t entirely white, but apparently feels that Carrie Brownstein’s ethnic identity doesn’t even merit a mention. She’s white! Surely the neo-Nazis

Virtually no one is in physical jeopardy — at the moment — from white supremacists. The current battle is one of ideas, not an actual battle. People understand this, right? The idea of nonviolent resistance is actually a rather good one, and not just morally, but strategically. Can we stop snarking at it now, please?

Most people live in a state of fear that they’ll be humiliated in some way

Didn’t seem very fit to me as evidenced by the deadness.

“Most people live in a state of fear that they’ll be humiliated in some way.”

It’s pretty impressive that they join gizmodo and end up immediately trying to get sued for defamation. (Recklessness probably isn’t actually met here though, but this is partially why gawker media group is now called gizmodo).

I think regardless of who Kirkman was talking about, her credibility on any serious matter went down a few pegs when she started saying Bernie was a Russian agent.

“I repeatedly pointed out that a woman died at the hands/vehicle of a terrorist in the damn post”

Yes, blame your readership for the fact that your writing isn’t very clear.

This article itself IS about the very people you’re complaining about, and saying they better not dare responded to this article. This is an attack. Don’t sit there acting incredulous. Make an attack, expect a response. If some people said dumb stuff that didn’t help you feel better, move the heck on and ignore them.

Just a guess, but the reason white people might be making the “I’m not one of those guys” comments, is because people keep using terms like “white privilege” and lumping all white people into the same group. People are different individuals. Each person should be judged on the content of their character and not the

This band has been really popular with the ostentatiously queerer-than-thou-because-I-wear-glitter-lipstick twenty- and thirty-something queer hipsters in my life. Wearing metallic eyeshadow and boasting about being sexually fluid apparently does not guarantee that someone is a good ally, or even a good person.