Chuck Hardin

I'm not sure how you managed to miss the point of the video clip I sent along, but here it is in big print for those who came in late. Because the left has completely screwed itself, it is not necessary to do anything in order to avenge oneself on them. All I need to do is sit back and watch. You people need to hit

Actually, I'm not making a special effort. It's called having an education, but for you that will remain a theoretical contingency.

Yeah, your defensive perorations are a sign of someone who is totally having fun and not at all a pathetic little teacher's pet. Goodbye, dull care!

As opposed to the last guy who took money out of your paycheck and used it to golf every weekend? Tough shit, sunshine.

Van Jones is a rando who shares my politics?

You have the words but not the tune. Stick with what you know: whining, glutinous adherence to various isms, and in-group smugness.

Many years ago, before the Cold War had properly ended, I pretended to be a Russian when I went to dine at a steakhouse where they offered unshelled peanuts in the lobby. I pretended it first to be shocked at the idea of throwing peanut shells on the floor, then begin laughing maniacally and doing the same.

No, but your repellent anti-fun is going to matter.

No, they're just more fair-minded than you idiots here. And that's saying a lot.

I didn't say he was doing good. I said your joyless scolding is going to lose. And it is.

And if you'd bothered to read that article, you might have learned something. Instead, you decided that it was ungoodthink.

Don't despair. Your misery is tasty to others. At least you're good for that.

Yes, it's obviously dishonest, and an impenetrable disguise. My totally independent colleague Huck Chardin will be along shortly to agree!

And thank you for your output. Never has G'Kar-Londo revenge been so easy.

You assume my goal is to communicate with idiots like you. You assume that the communication problem is only on my end. You assume that I care more about educating the ineducable then about pointing and laughing as you act like a tape reel of a kid running a bike into a telephone pole. I can't think of anything you

"…assuming you came to communicate, rather than fight, you understood full well that it would come across like a creepy threat. "

Stop trying to read my mind. You lack the machinery.

What exactly is your point in saying that I write things you read as violent, yet am physically safe from retaliation?

Why is the SJW left so obsessed with doing violence to its opponents? Why is it important to you to be able to strike at people with whom you disagree? Well, given the behavior of Antifa assholes lately, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.