Chuck Hardin

As I told you, you're too stupid to save yourselves even when your failure is explained to you. Sometimes it's fun to be the Greek chorus.

You literally cannot tell your ass from a hole in the ground. That's something one hears about but rarely gets to see.

Oh, my mistake. You've been winning presidential races, special elections, and popular esteem. It only looks otherwise when viewed from the earth.

Again, your doom is self-administered. I'm not involved except as a spectator. And since when did complete cowardice become a virtue? When did it become awesome to see threats behind every jape, and hide behind your mommy skirts?

Yes, I'm sure you're terrified. Idiot.

When your opposition is having more fun than you, consider that you may be staring into an open grave.

Yes, anything that is done to someone you call racist is fine.

Meanwhile, professional garbage babies still emit shrieks of hysteria at the thought of the doubleplusungood Coulter, while she does not give them a second thought.

There's nothing "powerful" about bending over for a party hack and abandoning a revolutionary.

You were adding nothing; you don't get to object when you are subject to a quick kick in the shins.

If women are found to speak more than men at a meeting:

"Ah" as in "Ah gotta deflect here quick." Look at the idiot's username.

Actually, it looks like Republicans are much more liberal than Democrats at their convention. The GOP lets its dissidents speak their mind. The Democrats make theirs bend the knee or they don't get to speak. Whodathunkit? Not you apparatchiks.

Now let's hear from the Teakachu Party.


Your fucking is astoundingly ignorant.

I'm not sure it's insensitive. I'm quite sure it's trashy.

Watching people with punchable faces who shrilly screamed at others decry shrill screaming and declare that others have punchable faces is utterly delicious.

"If you were confident you didn't why reply?"

Yes. If only you were actually funny and smart.