Chuck U Farley

It is always amazing to see that the public appears to not care that our information is being stolen by not only our government but governmental agencies around the world. Not only are they stealing and tracking us, they are blatantly saying "we have done it, will continue to do it, and will continue to not give any

Well, thankfully Radio Shack is closing down. Problem solved.

I really hate it when people complain about ho a racecar looks. HELLO!!! IT'S A RACECAR!!! Form follows function. If you can make a fast car that's pretty, awesome. But winning races is what matters because that IS the point of a RACEcar.

#1 SS brought over here to satisfy some sort of quota. False.

How about you just start with some sort of proper test before handing out licenses?

Put him through a driving test again! (Then again I guess over there the driving tests are ridiculous and don't really test the necessary skills and ability to operate a motor vehicle...)

He's been Kinja'd, you've been Kinja'd, everybody gets Kinja'd!!!

You can get any dents you want, at Piggly Wiggly parking lot.

And that's the story of the great Piggly Wiggly mass-a-cree.

It's not a nice thing to have on your record, that's for sure. It's still a judgement against him.

He doesn't. What he's worried about is being suspended from racing or facing other penalties.

If he's following you, hang a right.

Kurt Busch is appealing? No, no he's not.

not necessarily. It's not something you want in your legal background.

Fuck Delaware! Did you know Delaware is the only state in the union that has no anti- usury laws? That's why all of your credit card companies are incorporated there. Check the mail-to address on your credit card bills.

He had this built: