
“Well the good news is now your mom can finally get a belt made”

In addition to what Helga says, it also undermines other hate-crime categories. If you make every group a protected group, then you lose the impact of saying it is a hate-crime. Personally, I don’t have a problem with punishing people who specifically target police (as in the Texas example). But I do find this law

They’re like crossfit vegans?

I don’t really have an issue with a law against head hunting cops. I just think this will either never get used or be wildly over used. Likely it had a lot of support due to recent cop deaths in Louisiana. The problem with that though, is that none of those would fall under a hate crime. This bill did nothing but take

Sun Microsystem created Java with the intent of making it available for the public, but overseeing its development direction. (Just like Sparc processor architecture. Or what Google is doing with Android today). I worked at Sun, when Java was created. The fact Oracle tried to make it proprietary is in violation of the

Members of the broader Baylor community are shocked—shocked!—and say this was the most hostile environment since folks had to run from dinosaurs.

Hard to believe that a church affiliated entity might have trouble dealing with sexual crimes

He CAN’T handcuff her! There is a process for contempt of court; he didn’t even charge her with contempt of court. He made her sit in the corner like a fucking toddler in time out. There is no reason why this should have happened.

“But” That little word that means I don’t believe ANYTHING I said before it.

But she literally got handcuffed for trying to talk over the judge.

My uncle used to tell me this story all the time about his experience with bullying during his time in HS.

FIFA vs. IOC naked mud wrestling match: The mud would get up and walk out of the ring.

I am, as always, mystified by any success Chelsea Handler has. I keep waiting for her “the emperor has no clothes” moment when everyone finally realizes she has zero talent.

She is not funny and is also awful.

So Handler sorry excuse she was drunk saying it, because logic. ..ohhh wait it’s Handler.

Exactly. That quote is contradictory from start to finish. I never liked Chelsea Handler. Guess that makes me an Angelina.

This is outrageous! People actually use Amazon Echo?

She may not have liked golf, but she had to admire how his career went downhill.

I've wondered that myself, being a Denver resident. Maybe if you did it on a plane on the ground in Denver, it qualifies?

As is said "war is hell", but there have been stories kind acts amid the chaos and slaughter...........There were many Flying Forts that sustained great damage but brought their crews back home.....