Have you sent over any Jalopnik stickers to Ford HQ? The Jalopnik bump is real. I can deliver if necessary.
Have you sent over any Jalopnik stickers to Ford HQ? The Jalopnik bump is real. I can deliver if necessary.
Do a barrel roll!
Doug what happened to importing the Skyline? Is that still happening?
Hopefully you weren't washing it in a self wash bay. That harsh soap and dirt filled brush makes me sad.
Serious question here:
I agree with the import, but instead of paying shipping all the way from the land of the rising sun, I suggest bringing one from our friendly neighbors up north. You can find 3 '89s and a '75 here:
The non-contact thermometer deal has expired (for me at least).
I have an in at the agency that did this work if you want a poster.
Ok Ok there's 8's but I keep 'em clean.
Living around Detroit (Eastsider) I just wonder is this throwing good money away? Due to the copper thefts? I've heard that they're already taking the copper from the new lamps installed on 94. What's to stop them from taking these?
To answer Zach's question, I was a strip club DJ my freshmen year of college. Here's my story:
I don't have a definitive answer but I would imagine that since the front brakes do the majority of the stopping (minus the e-brake turns) they need to be cooled more than the back brakes.
If you'll notice half of those LED lights on the Southfield are not working correctly and blink or are completely off around the 7 & 8 mile exits
Wasn't it David Banner? Or am I missing something?
The article referenced doesn't say anything about the guy being drunk.
YES!! I love these.
Now use all of the cancelled models:
I was riding next to one of these on the road and I was really impressed by the attention to detail, what really got me was the gap between the tire and quarters; almost non-existent, I really liked it. Will I run out and buy a Lincoln? No, but I'll consider it if they can ever get their performance up (RWD, manual…
Good on Lincoln, but I think it's interesting that this design came, albeit late in the planning stages of this vehicle, from Max Wolff. If that name sounds familiar it's because he was a key team member when Cadillac introduced the Ciel Concept and the "Art & Design" design language, as well as the initial design of…