
I have an S2000 as well, and I'm 6'3", the problem with the S2k is if you have really long legs you're fine, but I have short stubby legs (30"-32" inseam) but a really long torso. I have the lowered seat rails on the OEM seat and it's still not enough, I'm thinking about getting a bucket seat and lower rails.

Remove break? Break what?

Dwight doesn't have a Camaro, unless it was in these later seasons. I thought he had a Trans-Am


And it was awesome! Well ok maybe not awesome, but I loved it as a kid

See also, the offroad "morph"

I'm really surprised that no one has mentioned the Viper Defender.

If you're getting tailgated in the left lane it's because you're in the left lane. This is my biggest pet peeve, if you're in the left lane and not passing, get out!

$2K to replace calipers?! I feel like you may have been taken for a ride on that one. I've replaced a few calipers and the parts cost under $200 most of the time. Just WOW on that one.

I LOVE this show, and I wish they'd put it out on DVD. I remember watching it as a kid and being in awe of that car.

Drive mine everyday.

I'm all for banning McDonalds

Some men just want to watch the world burn...

I happened to see an old VHS of a school bus crash with seatbelts (shown to bus drivers when they asked the same question you are) and the belts held the child in the seat but because they weren't able to put a shoulder harness on the bus, the dummy's face slammed into the back of the seat in front of them and broke

Major Hale??

GT: cdwheezy