
I have a nasty feeling that the abstinence only states have a lot of conversations like this:

A really crappy part of myself immediately thought, “but he could be a ghost!”

Let’s talk about this together, email me at Christopher.valites AT

I love what they’re doing; I just want to make it more formal and add in an audio-visual format, as well as a possible gallery show. Open this up for an arena where those politican assholes can be invited to stare into the eyes of all the people they’re hurting.

On a more selfish level I want to do this project because I’m angry that when I become an old white guy it’ll be even harder to differentiate myself from the other jackasses who are balding and privileged. If I can’t avoid the association due to my appearance I’ll be doing it through my actions.

I’m really sorry you had to go through that, but I’m also really happy that PP was there to help you recover and thrive like you should!

As for a kickstarter, I want to get some portraits and interviews going first. Most kickstarters for photo projects are a “show me what you’ve got and prove you can do it” rather

I’d love to do a kickstarter at some point. I need to get myself some momentum going, though. Most successful kickstarters help, not launch, except for physical products. I’d probably revisit the idea when I have 10-15 portraits done.

I’ve talked to successful kickstarters, I need way more proof of what I’m doing before I can even start one. A put up or shut up situation.

I’m sorry you had to go through that, and I’m glad they were there to help. These are the stories that need to be told.

First off fuck that guy. Secondly, if you know any organizations in the northeast please please please let me know. I’d love to come to California but I have a shit job with no time off and no money to travel from New Hampshire.

I’m in Manchester, NH and I’ll go anywhere within a day’s round trip for a single portrait, and I’d crash out on a couch for multiple sittings.

I’m in New Hampshire but I’d go anywhere within a days trip for single portraits. If I can crash on people’s couches, I’d go further for multiple sittings.

The only issue I have with that is that I’m a photographer; I know how to take a cohesive series well, but I don’t know how to best do a visual media experiment. I don’t want the message to get lost because of the medium.

I’m in NH; I’ll day trip out on the weekends do do some photo work though!

I’m in a pissy mood lately for some reason and the rich white fuckers who both run this country and my job are going to get it! Hah!

At the moment I’m geographically limited to the Northeast due to my job (which takes up way too much time to travel, unfortunately) and finances, but in an ideal world I’d be able to travel to photograph anyone who’d want to stand in for a portrait and an interview.

If I can get traction on it, it’ll be going up on my blog, website, gallery shows, etc, but I’m not going to blast that kind of thing out because I need to start with one person, one interview, and one portrait. The first is always the hardest; once I have that, I can start showing more and more and more, and then it

I’ve contacted a few people to see if I can do a photo series of people who have had to use Planned Parenthood for all sorts of procedures. Will be tricky with HIPAA so it’ll be volunteer driven, but I have a feeling people who have used its services and are proud to have had that option will want to be in a project

Between NH’s executive council voting to defund Planned Parenthood (with one of the members having been on record as saying “We should not defund this organization,” then voting for them in the past, then changing his vote with an eye towards running for NH Governor) and this bullshit I’m fucking vibrating with anger

As someone who lives in Manchester, I can’t wait until this shit is over. Ugh.