Worse than this was my cousin, who proposed to his girlfriend during a family reunion.
2015: Time for Probably!
Seriously. I;’m so happy about this.
I read it was a blood disease...
Shut up and take my money!
Where did you get this?!
Harness protection is one thing I’ll be fine CGIing out. Actors don’t need to risk death that much more acutely for my entertainment. Besides, the harnesses were designed for this film not to be restricting movement or enhancing it, merely there in case they did not do their proscribed actions. In other words,…
The trivia is pretty amazing to check out on IMDB, give it a go sometime!
*Duplicate post.*
It’s perfect. It’s also amazing to know that line was adlibbed originally...
I want to see you drive to Uganda/Rawanda, can’t remember which, where you drive LHD cars, but on the left side of the road, just to see your head asplode. EVERYONE’s on the opposite side of the car there.
I completely agree, but my snarky monkey mind thought when it read your post originally: Man, that’s one game of Operation that’d make parents unhappy.
I now direct your attention to Wolfenstein, the new order...
Those books were AWESOME
You must be fun at parties.
This actually made me really mad.