It's ok. I thought it was an urban legend but I met some folks that turned to this when they were at their wit's end...
It's ok. I thought it was an urban legend but I met some folks that turned to this when they were at their wit's end...
"Tomato" soup.
Man, going REALLY old school for that insult.
Honestly, I'm super jazzed for the Renegade for this exact reason. My XJ's rockers are rusted to pieces, the body needs a repaint, I've got more leaks in the seals and hoses than the Exxon Valdez...
Nope, It's Killing Utne. There's a line in there about "Everyone must act surprised" at about 1:12ish. That's the German assassin in the kitchen talking to Mallory.
Seriously, that dog is only pissed because its missing Archer.
All teams do when playing a Canadian team. It's an NHL rule.
The Sabres actually do it due to the original owner, Seymour Knox III believing that it was a show of respect to the Canadian influence to the team, but also the league at large.
"There are rumors of a diesel engine for the next generation Wrangler..."
Cheers! While I'll be bummed that I'll be back in the greys, it's a stupidly small price to pay. Fuck those trolls.
God idea! If I date another diabetic, I'll tuck that under my cap.
Capri Sun under the bed :)
Still look into it. The training is done via the same method as bomb sniffing dogs, and her dog ended picking highs well. Her brother didn't maintain his levels well, and the dog always alerted when he was around. She also alerted on a museum tour when around a gentleman in a wheel chair. After the tour we asked…
given all the other things wrong in tat relationship, I surprised that it wasn't more frequent of a problem. She also had a service dog to sense the lows after we lived together for a while, and the dog sensed it far before pump. That really helped.
my ex's dexcom actually helped ours. She'd go low mid-activity, and nothing's a bigger boner killer than sprinting down stairs to get her peanut butter crackers and juice. Although I'm grateful we never had a crash bad enough for glucagon.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!