
The debut of “Handmaid’s Tale - the series” occurred right after the first truly viable women’s POTUS candidate lost the election. Instead, a man being sued by his rape victim, bragged on tape about “grabbing women by the pussy,” was thrice married and paid an adult movie actress to cover up an affair became POTUS. It

Like maybe next time you should have adult women be voiced by adult women? Like I don't know who Laverne Cox is but she's a woman regardless of what genitals she has right?

For God’s sake, Sam, can we cut this nonsense out? The “backlash” to the new Disney ride consisted entirely of one editorial on SFGate before Fox News picked it up and ran with their brand new culture war football. There is no need to play their game. I don’t care what two people on some editorial webpage have to say:

I kinda dig it. If nothing else, they’re doing a good job nailing the mid 90s and the switch from bubblegum early 90s to grungy mid-90s culture. (I suppose a flash-forward would have the bubblegum pop back on the rise; can’t keep a good boy band down.)

Yeah...  She got fully dumped.  Stinks..

Honestly, I don’t think they could’ve killed him off in a worse way than they did. I thought to kill him from COVID, to use a disease that has killed a half million people, as a plot point, felt crass and calculated, and opportunistic beyond all measure. It felt like one last ditch effort to justify the the expense

Honestly, I thought Mickey was the only reasonably well written and consistent character this whole season.

Netflix has shown that with a streaming service, quality only gets people into the door. You need quantity for people to stay in this closed ecosystem. This revival show is for the latter.

Well. Here’s what I think happened. NBC/Peacock saw these nostalgia shows generally do okay and get more buzz than unknown properties get (would we be discussing some new kids sitcom on Peacock otherwise?)

I think it’s “for” parents looking for something for their young kids to watch. They recognize Punky Brewster, they pick it over some unknown quantity, maybe they watch it some too and it’s more tolerable or interesting because it has some familiarity.

Has she seriously not updated her music library since 1983"

He didn’t say “lie.” He said he wasn’t morally obligated to disclose it since he can’t transmit the disease.

So I started re-watching the office in December. Binging it really, which was random cause I had forgotten it was being dropped by Netflix. I got to about halfway through S5 before it shuffled off to Peacock. And while I enjoyed it, I have to admit I had forgotten or never realized how fucking terrible Michael Scott

I don’t consider it a punishment, but he sure will. Nothing will hurt him more than irrelevance.

3rd Rock is such an underrated sitcom; consistently hysterical.

even better: put them both in the same show.

I think she’s overdue for a late career breakout role that reminds everyone just how great and funny she really is.   Something along the lines of Catherine O’Hara in Schitt’s Creek.

Let me be blunt.  Anyone pedaling anti vaccine bullshit lately can get fucked.  This is the worst time in the past half century to be anti vaccine.

Eh, if you choose to spread dangerous misinformation about the deadly pandemic sweeping across the world and about vaccines in general, sorry, you deserve to be canceled. Like, I can’t think of a more justifiable reason for canceling somebody. Also, people need to fuck off with the “just asking questions” bullshit.

Jane is a once in a lifetime talent and this ought to be more widely recognized.