
I’m going to focus on one part of the story: the current mindset that it’s not rude at all to just whip out a smartphone whenever you feel like it.

The point will be waaaaaay the fuck over here when you’re ready to start not missing it.

you read it wrong. the flight was going to depart with him as the only passenger. then there were mechanical problems. 

I’ve never seen one NOT offer a bagel sandwich! Where the heck do you live?! haha

I was thinking the same thing. It's not unheard of, so I don't really feel like I was fooled by the original story. I was entertained briefly.

...McD’s has done that for well over a decade.

What’s the point of having a closing time if you can’t walk into a restaurant before that time and expect to be served without hassle?

So if you happen to be small/have a young face you should just accept that you regularly won’t be allowed to purchase alcohol until well into your 30s? That’s absurd.

From the original article

I’ve read that three times and it is delivered like a teaser for an upcoming true crime podcast episode. I have no idea WHO was murdered, but I’m now hooked.

I think we can conclude it was the copy editor for this particular blog post

and who was murdered? this piece is filled with mysteries

Might want to clarify who was murdered...

Vacating a sentence is one thing, but overturning the guilty verdict is more important.

You’re a fucking idiot.

Was hoping you were joking, got to the end of the post and realized you’re just another science-illiterate.

Probably not anymore. Oceans are becoming too warm, and breeding god knows what kind of bacterial danger as a result of it.

I mean, they probably do, though. I work for a pretty major company and my team definitely passes around articles when they’re about us—including Gizmodo articles.

Plenty of people at North Face will probably see this article, and some of those people will probably see the comments.

Also, are you new to the internet?

anyone attempting to extort our business by holding our property illegally

In the United States? No they did not. Best sellers topped out at $18.99 at the hight of the CD boom.