
Once again...She wasn’t his adopted daughter. He didn’t even live in the same house as her. She was Mia Farrow and Andre Previn’s adopted daughter.

This article is way too snarky for it's own good. Since when do you have to like someone to read a book about them? I read mein kampf and I'm not a Hitler fan.

Allegedly assaulted his 7 year old daughter. And not allegedly in the “we have to say that way”, allegedly in that there are serious doubt as to his guilt of that particular crime.

lol If you think four is a meaningful number of rejections in the publishing industry, even for someone of Allen’s notoriety, you are in for some very dark surprises if or when you ever write a book yourself.

I mean, I know it’s not woke to like Woody Allen anymore, but what’s the evidence that his memoirs would be ‘shitty’? What’s the evidence that it would be full of lies? And it’s worth keeping in mind that the allegation against Allen is unproven and has always been in dispute.

There is more evidence for this article/hit piece being written by an absolute P.O.S. than there is evidence proving Woody Allen did ANYTHING inappropriate with a minor. The court of public opinion may have decided that Woody Allen is a criminal, but the court of...well...everything else has not. I hope he wins his

It’s just endlessly fascinating, all the people who are 100% convinced that a world-famous celebrity would, during a custody dispute (with a woman who repeatedly physically and emotionally abused her children), choose a prearranged day-visit in a house full of people, to sexually assault his first and only victim, his

Omg, if they’re doing all this for, at worse, filing a false police report and having the charges dropped, just imagine all the consternation and trouble this city would go through if a sworn officer of the law, an actual beacon of law and order, did something as heinous as, say filing a false police report, and not

Even by the complaining person’s account, the vegan woman made it clear she didn’t need them to make special accommodations for her. The control freak in the story seems to be the one obsessed and upset with another guest for providing for herself.

A lot of people here don’t bother to read the source articles - including, it seems, the writers sometimes since so many times relevant facts are misrepresented or just entirely omitted (which could also be purposeful of course).

“I’m also skeptical about the ‘moping’ claim - it’s possible she was simply quietly prepping her food, and using it as an opportunity for some ‘down time’” - exactly, the vegan was just looking for whatever excuse she could get to stay away from those other girls, because they just come off sounding like terrible

Seriously, this...

It sounds like the vegan lady needs better friends. They sound insufferable. 

Honestly, if you bother writing a post somewhere called “That’s it, I’m wedding shaming” over fucking Tupperware, I’m going to assume you’re a mean spirited asshole that exaggerates shit to make someone look bad.

That person also described a small lunch container as a 5 gallon tupperware, and is the kind of person who would post about it on a facebook group. I know who I’m thinking is a bigger problem.

I am extremely picky about what I eat to the point where it definitely annoys other people. However, I do my best to not make a big deal out of it. If I go to a restaurant that doesn’t have anything I like, I try to stick with the bread. Same for eating at someone else’s house; I eat what I can and avoid the rest. I

Salty would have had the customer bail the offender out, then apologize profusely and tack on an additional tip.

I’m not sure I understand either, but it sounds like she would buy a visa pre-paid card and then charge a tip for more than the amount on the card and then the restaurant ends up paying her for those tips, but they don’t get the money from the card when it’s later processed. So I think she was ripping off the

To be fair, you are as well with phones. Always connected, easily hacked and targeted and always listening, especially now that every phone has a “digital assistant”.