
Yeah, and it’s not like I’ve ever gotten mad about seeing one of these little rituals happen if I’m an unassociated party eating in the restaurant. It is an extremely brief and minor interruption to whatever else is going on and I don’t think I’ve ever even bothered to guess which person being sung to is the actual

Exactly. Why am I embarrassed? I don’t know anyone at the restaurant who isn’t at the table, so why do I give a crap what they think of me?

One of the many advantages of being an extrovert is the complete inability to be embarrassed by the spectacle surrounding free birthday dessert.

I was just going to say, that’s what I think the conspiracy is.

I've found Naan bread also works for this quite well. 

I’m far more stunned by the apparent news that there’s still an open K-mart somewhere.

I realize the comment you left is from over a year ago, but I couldn’t resist replying. There absolutely is dairy in Kraft Singles. The first ingredient is cheddar cheese. 

The Ashville Sheriffs department obviously has too much free time. Imagine having so little crime to police that you’re able to put warning stickers on alcoholic beverages that already have warning labels.

As a teen, I’d have thanked them for letting me know that I’m not wasting my time on fancy soda with no alcohol.

I’d bet good money that no concession stand vendor has accidentally pulled one out of the wrong cooler - the difference in price would be huge, so that would be controlled pretty well.

I don’t even drink these, but I now feel the urge to go buy some. Great advertising guys, well done.

So now the other teens know exactly what to buy!

Wow, these kids sound pretty insufferable. I never drank when I was a teen (though I did before I was 21), but I never would have done something this lame.

I can only assume that they then went over and put warning labels on all the condoms to warn against premarital and/or gay sex.

Dee really needs to curb her vodka.

Yeah, puppets don’t have a sexual orientation. Oh, wait, Gonzo fucks chickens. Miss Piggy and Kermit have definitely boned. Gurl, Bert and Ernie are gay.

In the push to give the standard “always tip 20%” answer this question glazed over a few important points. Room service always adds a service charge. Sometimes it automatically adds a gratuity. I am never clear if those are the same thing. Is a service charge a gratuity by another name? Or is it a legitimate version

go watch The Good Place. It is on Netflix. Read nothing about it on google.

You know there’s a section within what you described where people genuinely don’t know whether they should tip and if they should, what is the customary amount, right? It’s not solely to get out of tipping, it’s to avoid spending money that no one expects them to spend. Do you tip your bellhop 20% of the cost of your

A mother sauce is a sauce that can be used as a base for other sauces. It's not a single sauce that can be used on a ton of different things. I thought the article was a bit confusing about this.