
Yea...there’s a good chance humans would not have made it to the top of the food chain without weapons, not having any natural ones ourselves. But if that’s the game, then that’s it, play something else. It’s not like we’re lacking in the stabby shooty genre of games.

It wasn’t a bad game, it just felt very odd. It does emulate the games of old fairly well in that its very “floaty”. Nothing feels like it has alot of weight. The “super shotgun” takes minimum 2 shots to kill, balls. It definitely doesn’t feel like doom but I think that inherently has to do with the brightness that

Well sweet, that makes that a whole lot less of a pain.

No, everything comes back. No, settlements can’t defend themselves no matter how many freaking turrets you put there(rage!!!). And yes, all factions are eh. I haven’t started the DLC though, but everything looks promising to me.

You speak the truth, I will probably try it eventually. I wish they would just give me more chrono trigger, I know they won’t...but I can always wish.

Damn, you beat me to it haha.

What kind of men do you hang out with? What the fuck...

This, so much. He KILLED someone, and Ray Rice was initially given an indefinite suspension for punching is fiance after she smacked him. People smoking weed or talking badly about the officials are punished more harshly than people who have killed people. Cough “Ray Lewis”

Why is it that random ass internet people can do this, but nintendo struggles to do it?

I loved black panther’s comics when I was younger, character was always a badass.

So much so.

Ok Damnit! You convinced me, I will buy the game.

Well....that sounds fun!

Yessssss, that stupid rose is way too overpowered. Especially when the whole team is just using them.

Exactly what I was thinking, this is only gonna get worse. Whether his feelings are unfounded or not or she is faithful or not, this is only going to get worse.

At this point, those trust issues aren’t going away no matter what happens. I’d put money on it.

Sandslash is probably the closest.

I think you missed some of the sarcasm there. Maybe all of it, not sure.

Yesssss. This list is garbage.

I didn’t notice until you pointed it out, that’s cool I guess...