
Ive got a custom rig and a PS4. I prefer consoles anymore TBH. So much easier to deal with, and whenever i have friends over, everyone can play. Ill take the graphics hit for the ease of use.

Lol. Journalist. Kotaku brings the hard hitting truth...

He is a pro gamer. Who gives a flying fuck? Its video games.

Yeah nobody cares if you are mad at rockstar. Get over it.

You can tell it hurt because a shoe came off.

Red fang is awesome, but this the Holy Grail man...

Nobody gives a shit in the real world.

Welp that doesnt look very fun to me. Anything else coming this month?

I meant the reference not the chili you jerkoff.

Ha skyline chili reference. Deadspin readers will eat that shit up!

Pictured: Guy I would like to punch on the mustache.

Gaming journalism is a joke anyways. Doesnt reqlly matter in the long run.

Is that supposed to be impressive?

Its a lot easier when you go for cartoony graphics.

Why does he keep referring to people as sentient beings? Sounds like a jackass.

Absolutely disgusting. You would hope these assholes would have to deal with being paralyzed, but they will probably just go to prison and do their time, and do the same bullshit once they are released.

probably your shitty stereotypes.

Neither will she.

So much edge in this post. Grabbing some Band-Aids, then I'll be back to finish reading.

8 hours and you are only level 7? Maybe you are the one who sucks.