
Did you read the f*cking article? Get out of here with that bullshit.

In regards to how challenging they were WARNED it would be, they said in a video that God would give them the strength or whatever. For all my Christians out there: IF YOU HAVE TO ASK GOD OR ANY OTHER MYSTICAL CREATURE FOR THE STRENGTH TO DO SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO DO IT.

May all of their bio children grow up to be radical queer atheists.

I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.

Not to be a downer, but I’ve called those hotlines. They suck. The last one I bothered calling gave me directions to a hospital... that had burned down fifteen years ago.

Finished reading and sort of instinctively scrolled down to leave a comment, but I’m not sure why. I can’t think of much to say.

It’s a cool jacket. $1900 cool? Well, no, but I won’t pretend to understand the price that some brands command. With that said, I was (weirdly) more on board with the jacket when I thought the baby came with it. It might not be for everyone, but that sort of call-back is pretty cool if you’re really into the game.

Every gun is loaded.

Dipshit loses extremely volatile revenue stream because he acted like a dipshit. How are you shocked?

If having to restart his career is the worst thing that comes of this he should count himself lucky. People get killed by stray bullets all the time, and I’m pretty sure a negligent discharge while drunk could be prosecuted as a felony if anyone cared enough to get the cops involved.

Clearly this moron never learned the single most important rule of firearms - treat every gun as if it is loaded until you personally double / triple check.

What apparently began as an alcohol-fueled game of “get in the suitcase”

These violent delights have violent ends..

This is some Westworld shit

30 years from now I will be judging the president on his or her favorite game choices and their answer better be as good as St. Vincent’s.