Christian B. Christiansen

Obligatory “I thought they smelled bad on the outside” comment.

I uh.. I still watch all the movies on a monthly basis and listen to the audiobooks (Jim Dale and Stephen Fry versions) all the time while working..

I’d sleep better knowing I didn’t spend $1,359-1,680 for something like this

I’d sleep better knowing I didn’t spend $1,359-1,680 for something like this

I hope they do like a Black Adder type of deal where each season takes place in different eras for the Assassin’s Creed thing

Stand in the middle..? 

Either I became fluent in Japanese overnight or they had translated subtitles when I watched it 6-7 minutes after its upload :S

Wait.. Are you saying we can play as assassin hooded grandmas or am I expecting too much with this?

The only way this could work is if it’s like a 20 hour movie..

Now playing

I mean.. judging by this video it seems much faster

Joke’s on them. I’ve already 100%ed the game 3 times and beaten it at least 6 times.. so.. Who’s laughing now?

Maybe it’s just the pronunciation of the g in the word long? “So lon-geh Bowserrr!”
Kinda like “It’s-aah me!”

Ha-HA! An animation of mine was part of the reveal! But they stretched the video vertically a bit for some reason :S

You gotta jump and aim for the middle of the wall across the gap and press the button. Don’t go up the ramp leading to the wall!

They give you like 15 minutes to edit a post before it locks. They should have the option to delete the comment during that time, as well..


Bumper Buddies

“You know what’s better than a simple column of articles that’s easy to follow?”

53 minutes ago..? I am SO sure I’ve seen this article on here before.. Am I going mad?

Play Death Stranding and you’ll get blasted with “Ride with Norman Reedus on AMC”

But will it be on ps4? I’d probably already have purchased a PS5 by the time of release and what’ll happen to my progress/stats then, if I get it on the next generation? :S