
One of the greatest live bands ever. Saw them about a dozen times, never disappointed.

I don't get it either. It sounds like The Dead Milkmen if they took themselves seriously.

It sounds like a self-serious version of The Dead Milkmen to me.

I guarantee my co-workers and I generated better material than this when we would drop acid and work the Taco Bell late shift in the early 90s, but there was no Twitter then.

If you want to hear four musicians playing some shitty top-40 songs at slightly different tempos, just go to any nearby bar that features local bands. Eighty-five percent of them are barely competent.

I am kind of surprised to see everyone hating this guy for hating on the Dave Matthews Band. In my experience, he's mostly right. I have known far too many jock bro types that love DMB. You know, the kind of guys that wear a lot of baseball caps, often backward, and call each other by their last names.

My 8-year-old boy read two classics this year, Treasure Island and The Secret Garden. I was dumbfounded when I found out the editions they were reading were newly-edited versions that smoothed out any rough language, glossed over the violence, and generally cut parts of the story out for no good reason that I could

Pretty much all my favorite bands there. I do miss the 90s. Ever hear Year of the Rabbit? It's Ken Andrews, post-Failure. Some of his solo stuff is really good as well.

Even Comfort is good, but get it last. It was produced by Steve Albini, and sounds nothing like their other albums as a result.

Does anyone else think this reads like it was supposed to be the Quicksand chapter of American Psycho? Like if Patrick Bateman were a grunge kid instead of an 80s caricature.

I agree, peak zombie just means we have reached maximum saturation, hopefully the tide will now slowly recede. I'm so sick of zombie stuff.

I literally forgot that show existed until you mentioned it. I think we have passed peak zombie.

I think the problem is that the show takes a few months off in the middle of the season. It robs the story of any momentum it builds. This episode would have had way more impact had it happened the week after the last "finale."

His next record will only be available via megaphone crooner.

There were a couple local bands in SE Michigan with great names. Two that stand out were Bill Parker and his Motherscratchers, and another called Coke Dick Motorcycle Awesome, aka CDMA.

"It's not my fault, I was turned into a hypersexual monster by eating phallic meat sandwiches! My pedophilia is mild, like a banana pepper!"

This season has really made me realize that Kroll has been carrying this show on his back for at least two seasons prior to this. His absence really makes you notice how unfunny everyone else is. Plus I can't look at the guy that plays Kevin without thinking "what a shithead."

It's because they covered Higher Ground.


Scalia don't dance and Clarence Thomas don't rock and roll.