Jabari Jefferson

Maybe they could have found another way to bring Ra's Al-Ghul in the show as a villain, and kick-start all the other identity-centered arcs another way a part from offing her. Maybe just have her wounded and keep her in coma for a long period of time would have been better.

I strongly believe that all the problems of this season are rooted in the fact that they offed Sara. I strongly believe that.

"The League assault on Starling City should have been a 2-parter, at least."

Which is why I think Eddie is going to die in the Season finale.

His name is Deathbolt aka Jake Simmons.

Wow….oh my goodness……did I just watch the season finale or the series finale of Arrow? The Season 3 finale was all about Oliver stopping Ra's Al-Ghul from destroying Starling City with the Omega Bio-weapon.

You're kinda right. I was hoping that this identity crisis theme for Season 3 would give Felicity a story line outside of being Oliver's love interest.

My thoughts exactly.

You just hate Iris don't you.

If you were angry at Iris for reacting the way she did upon finding Barry's secret identity and you weren't angry at Foggy Nelson for reacting the way he did upon finding out Matt's secret identity, I will be forever angry at your double standard.

Me too.

Yes. And I think Iris had a good reason for "whining" last week.

I hope they work on giving her something like that in Season 2, because that is probably why people are a bit annoyed with her.

I don't think people are going to see it coming at all.

Glad someone else agrees with me.

No, I don't see death happening on this show as often as Arrow, but that doesn't mean there won't be some people dying and I think Eddie is the primary candidate.

I don't see Barry's mom surviving period.

I never got that vibe from Joe at all. I still think that Joe will die in Season 2, if he does die at all.

I still think he is safer than Eddie at this point.

I agree. I was under the impression, that Malcolm would reveal Oliver's secret identity to her as a way to drive a wedge between them permanently. So her switch seemed reasonable to me.