Jabari Jefferson

Wow, oh my gosh, oh my gosh all the feels!!!!!!!! This episode revolved around Laurel and her worst fear ever: Her sister. Also it revolves Oliver realizing that his associates are not people who will not question him anymore.

Wow, oh my gosh, so much happened in this episode. I initially did not think I was going to like this episode as I was not as interested in the Firestorm arc as I have been in the other arcs on this show so far. Man, was I wrong! This episode was better than I thought it was going to be!!!!


Zac, I think you are being a little bit too harsh on this episode.

I agree with this 100%.

One of them was injured (Mckenna), One of them was descending into madness (Helena), One he cheated on (Laurel) and the last girl he had a long relationship with is dead (Sara). Doesn't mean she is next.

The only reason I found it a bit underwhelming is because we did not get to see Ollie fight Brick. That was a shame.

I disagree, but I do understand where you are coming from though.

That's how this felt to me as well.

I agree with you 100% on all of this.

I think it comes off as a bit hypocritical to me. She was okay with Oliver killing everyone before but all of the sudden her moral line has been crossed by Oliver training with Merlin. Hugely hypocritical.

You may have a point there. But again, it's not like they have much of a choice right there.

That's what I'm thinking.

"As for Oliver (or Roy, but who cares): even if you were willing to dismiss all Barrowman has done because after all that was 30 episodes ago, it would still be a terrible idea to work with him now; because he recently killed Sarah in cold blood! You just never know if Barrowman will shoot you in the back for one or

Yes we will.

I disagree. How is Oliver going to prove that Merlyn brainwashed her into doing it? She is just going to think that Oliver is making up things speak about her biological father.

They are desperate. They need all the help they can get. Sure Merlyn brought about Oliver's death, killed hundreds of people. However there is someone out there who can kill a lot more people who has it in for all of them. Best to go with the guy who was his pupil during his 2 years away from right?

"Felicity, it's easy for you to say you don't need Malcolm's help, you're not the one that has to get in a restricting costume, run out and try to shoot guys with arrows or hit them with bows when they all have guns and are only mildly hesitant to use them."

I thought that was Diggle's job. Besides, I would think that she would know that teaming up with another bad guy to stop an even bigger one is some times necessary. Why she is getting upset at that is beyond me.

The only one so far.