
Now to prepare for tomorrow:

What? I've got a PS4, and a One, but aside from Bloodborne I've seen very little that's impressed me from Sony.

People selling their rap CDs. "I am a cross between Macklemore and Jay-Z." Ok, well I am a cross between believing you are full of shit and not willing to part with $10.00.

Why the fuck do we even have a lottery if Clevland is gonna win every year and not do shit with their pick and stir up more "Lebron back to clevland" hype? Whoever goes number 1, I feel sorry for him.

VS: I'm his right-hand arm man. I'm his best friend, his confidant. His silly rabbit.

Um.....what 3DS games are you playing? Cause almost none of the ones I own fit that 8-12 hour mark you state. Hell most of them haven't even been finished yet because of their lengths. Then again the vast majority of mine are RPGs. That must be it. You probably need to work in more of the 3DS's excellent selection of

What a horribly unflattering picture to use for this article.

He's posting on Deadspin.

Finally! I forget I even have the Metro Apps. I treat Win 8 like Win 7. Other than the annoying Metro Apps. Win 8 really isn't bad at all. Especially 8.1.

My plan is to release a game called "The Wars" and then trademark "the."

I was almost convinced... until I saw the background.

Breaking news: Machinima still shit. More at 11.

I STILL dont understand people who invert the Y axis. First time I sat down to a game with inverted axis I thought the controller was broken.