Walker, Ex's Anger.
Walker, Ex's Anger.
I still miss Beware the Batman.
uscg_pa — and thanks for all the fish.
I don't know who's gonna win but someone's gonna be Thor in the morning!
SlickWillie I am right there with you brother! I am cooking six slabs of ribs on Sunday for the Royal Rumble and it will be an all day affair. I can not wait. I am smoking my ribs with honey brown sugar and butter. How are you cooking yours?
No mention of the best line of the night? Diggle pulls a gun on Merlin.
"You make it sound like using an advanced exoskeleton to fight crime and save the city is a Looney Tune idea."
Cubone I am sorry but your tragic past gets in the way of your cuteness. Plus, YOU'RE WEARING THE GODDAMN SKULL OF YOUR OWN MOTHER.
You must be fun at parties.
Glitter doesn't wait for an invitation. Glitter doesn't care about the importance of consent. Glitter goes where it wants, when it wants, whether you like it or not.
I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be a dick or being intentionally antagonistic in my earlier comments (though reading them I did act like one). I get annoyed when I see animation being called inferior and I was overzealous and didn't realize properly that's not what you meant.
Seems like the Atom should just be a mini-series.
Okay, I don't have unlimited hours in my day. I have a job. I have kids. I have a wife. I have friends.
"My name is Ray Palmer, and I am the smallest man alive. Sometimes."
i am so angry, my roku doesn't do that, so I have to lift my hand up and find the remote and click the next episode. EVERY TIME. IT IS EXHAUSTING.
Jesus has a nasty right cross.
No I think you nailed it. That's kind of a motif throughout the Gospels (and played with heavily in Last Temptation of Christ) that Jesus was a far different kind of Messiah than people were expecting or wanting. He was neither anti or pro establishment; his view of salvation was focused on the human soul. So in that…
This reminds me of that awesome feeling I'd get when I'd obliterate my high score in Tony Hawk with one really long trick.
Good news, everyone!