I think this is awesome. I watch wrestling while playing my switch in handheld so I also acknowledge I am the target audience
I think this is awesome. I watch wrestling while playing my switch in handheld so I also acknowledge I am the target audience
Wait.....does 7 Deadly Sins come to netflix already? I thought it waited until the whole season was complete
Falsebound Kingdom was so good it makes me angry. Even as a 10 year old, I knew they would never make another one.
Appropriation happens when someone takes something from a culture and profits off of it without mentioning, crediting or acknowledging the source. Like Miley Cyrus in her rap “phase.” She went to rap, gained new fans, made money off of the culture, then distanced herself from that part of her life as soon as it wasn’t…
But if only the portion affected speaks out, it can sometimes be too small of a voice to make a difference. People on the periphery often NEED to make noise.
I read this story and immediately had the same thought. As a teacher myself, I would have immediately punched the adult in charge if he were male and my wife would punch if she were female. The other picks up the slack when dealing with consequences
Defining and assigning roles creates a confusing situation? Or the student going against my defined roles created a confusing situation?
Commenting only to say please keep reviewing. I like it. Thank you.
It looks like one of my high school players when I tell them “only this player can inbound the ball”. and someone else takes it out. They freeze in the moment because it isn’t a normal sequence of events so they don’t adjust. They just weren’t ready for it.
Counter-argument: giving up two inventory slots for ballons and redeploy is tough. It means you either have to forgo health and shields entirely or you only get two guns. So the downside becomes you can be super mobile but limited in how you can fight or you can’t heal if you take any damage. And if you’re trying to…
“Stop liking different things than me so I can see more other movies I might like”
This is sneakily the best response and I hope it doesn’t get buried
I have only seen two Drowzee’s and a handful of Ghastlys (although I was lucky enough to find a Gengar.). So I would love a chance to get a Hypno