
remove the helmet from the equation. All it does is create a false sense of safety and lead to people doing this.

Not wherein it is the second sentence and the noun could be male or female. How is it implied? Where was it implied? How am I to know?

The Affordable Care Act to this point has not been an accomplishment.

God, I love the responses to this post. Don’t listen to the reactionary posts of the people trying to convince themselves that the coward vote was the right one - Sanders polled ridiculously well against Trump and would have obliterated him without the need for the self-destruction gift that will probably get Clinton

So are you saying that only White people watch TED Talks, or that only White people want to feel as if they’ve learned something? I only ask since it seems like you have the feeling superior thing nailed.

Gawker comments are like church services for white people who want to feel smart. You stand up, you give a pious but small-minded and irrational sermon, and you walk away feeling smart and superior about the 20 minutes of life you just totally pissed away.

Must be a sad life, being so bitter and antagonistic. I say this as someone who was once very much this instinctual type of personality. I don’t particularly follow or believe in anything, but active negativity does no good to anyone. *hug*

Aw KC fans are adorable. They’re the REAL best fans in baseball!