

@정신: Wait.. so you DONT like stereotypical anime cheese? Someone better tell square!

@schwall20: people care about 8 and 9? whaaa?

@mrfusion1.21: but but hope and vanille were so compelling :(

@Balmut: No.. Almost every ps2 game is available somewhere and with the spread of ps3 usb unlockers, ps3 games are getting widespread. I rarely ever see any ps1 games anywhere.

@darkboy1200: Preorder today at one of these fine retailers for EXCLUSIVE Snoop Dogg's Mega-Pimphand DLC and a special code to enable ONLINE PIMPIN!!!!

Now we just need to combine the kinect and the novint falcon for pure unrestrained virtual 3D FORCE FEEDBACK. OMG DID YOU FEEL THAT IT FEELS LIKE JELLO

Who gave muppet Zangief PCP?!?!?!

@XxXJXxX: This sucks but honestly new fatalities are something I am much more likely to pay for than new costumes/colors, avatar clothing or any other crap they can come up with.

Fuck that, the Holocaust should not just be declared downright off limits, the problem is no one has actually produced anything of value using the setting yet. We need the video game equivalent of Schindler's list, not the video game equivalent of a Uwe Boll movie.

I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions!

@justink: I refuse to acknowledge the existence of either of those words!

@turkish101: I don't really have too much of a problem with the graphics, I still actually want to play it on the ps3, just seems to me a case of the overhyping every new game goes through. At least the PVP sounds ok.

@symphonycometh: I knew that's why they merged.. blame everything on Enix! Square can do no wrong! Wait nm blame it on Eidos now!!!

@Shippoyasha: In 14's defense, It's definitely not about overreaching the franchise and more about ignoring basic features and playability over.. I don't know what.. I was in the beta and I actually liked the way they did the story and the cutscenes, and even the combat felt like it could have had the potential to be

I am really curious as to how 14 is perceived in the Japanese market. Obviously Americans hate it, but do the Japanese love it? Are Square-Enix confused as to why America doesn't?

@andyrobertmoraru: With about 2 whole weeks of content from what I hear. I actually have been reading more bad press about dcuo after the nda expired than I have about 14 lately.

@HYRUL3: Uncharted 2 was one of the biggest things to push me over the edge and cop a ps3, and I haven't touched the 360 since.