
@Archaotic: I pretty much exclusively used shotguns on my first playthrough, riot shotgun + shotgun surgeon owns everything.

@XODIS: Hell yeah BOS 4 life.

@Archaotic: Really? I have that in my game but never used it, always used the Gauss rifle or AMR for sniping. Gonna have to try it. I killed Caesar in a multitude of ways but my favorite was planting about 20 C-4's around his throne and hiding in a corner. The slo-mo cutscene was awesome, he definitely left earth's

@Archaotic: Yeah.. I would've preferred to do the House ending the first time too but I love the BOS too much to betray them for some douche plugged into a computer.

@Nibel: I never got permission from the original creator to post it because hes japanese and his inbox is full apparently so I cant host it on the Nexus.

@m_coal: Bloody mess works wonders! Almost as good as the real game I bet.

@OmegaSpartan08: I have a capcom Street Fighter art book that's really really nice.. it's old and japanese but I think they released a US version at some point.

I was so upset I couldn't afford to buy the new Fist of the North Star game, I converted this mod from FO3 and now I am the new warlord of the Mojave.

@JamesFreeman: Rofl I have like every caravan card from every vendor in the game in a nice spread out circle on the floor of the novac motel. +1

@Tyrok: Jin for the win

@Lincolnsbeard33: no, but after playing one of the creators other games, dungeoneer, i dont really want to play it now. Nothing aside from rapelay has made me feel that dirty. Pretty sickening.

@TheHeartless: Sounds like you should play God Hand. You'd like it.

@Sodrohu: I want a Fallout New Vegas mod that gives you Hokuto No Ken special moves. There's already a Heroes mod.

Give me Jagi or give me death.

As long as Johnny Gat's in it I'm there day one

@mayfaire: If I ever have to debate Ebert in public as to whether games can be viewed as art this is my exhibit A.

Uhhh everyone knows Sub Zero's brother is a white guy... Whassupwiddat

@Sigma_Silver: I used to watch this show every saturday too haha... still though... <3 Evie.