Chris Leo

This car is basically just a drunk Ferrari.

I had a good time with mine in Utah.

GM is basically the “Me Too” of automotive manufacturers. 

I see old Dakotas and Durangos almost every day. 

All of these are marked up to 50k+ around here. Truck buyers aren’t going to get one when they can get a half ton for 20k less.

They ruined it by doing away with the manual.

And also illegal.

Delivery driver in Chicago? Where’s the rust?

Pricing will make or break GM’s success with this thing. 

These will be driven by the offspring of the coked up, roided-out, tattooed hotheads who bought the original Hummer H2 and H3’s in the 2000’s.

$ 2,300 for a non-rusted 121,000 mile Camry is the deal of the century. 

A 1970s Karen can be found in that YouTube video around the 8:05 mark.

I can see it now.

This thing, spotted in Emeryville, California.


Not sure if trolling, or...

That 1970s Cessna is basically what it costs to operate a similarly sized boat, times 10.

Replaces V8, RWD, manual transmission saloon car with 4 cylinder, FWD, automatic rental car.

That’s a great price for a low mileage LSJ.

I drive a 2003 Dodge Dakota on first dates to weed out the gold diggers.