
This is all I want.

Says, "This video is private"?

The 22B Baby!

How about putting the TSA in charge of the line to get in...

I cannot believe that ABS didn't make the list. This is widely taken for granted.

They had to sacrifice a few legit ones to get Saab in ...

And this is the great thing about scientists. They can admit when they are incorrect. They can handle being challenged, and yet they will still continue to seek the truth, whatever it may be.

80s you say

The histogram is one of the most powerful tools to learn when it comes to taking photos and editing them as well. I've been using Photoshop for a short time, and also teaching it. The histogram is one of the first things I cover- always. It is a tandem tool, you use it with almost every other tool that is commonly

I love how pundits focus on things like a $5 billion dollar Obamacare website not working right, but a non working ONE TRILLION DOLLAR aircraft program doesn't work and will likely never work, but that's totally OK.

the actual picture of the plane..

like a giant station wagon that handles more like a sports car

the amount of water currently in Bakersfield is likely something just less than nothing. it's drought time in CA

RX7 I think was actually down about 45-65hp (I seem to remember 255hp in the US, vs 300-320hp) but the light weight kept it right in the ballgame.

Wrote this last night, figured I would share this morning. Even though overall sedan sales are down dead WRX was the second fastest selling car in April according to's Kicking Tires blog.

If you make non-luxury cars, you're probably suffering or not growing very quickly. Chrysler, which has no SUV/Crossover/Hatch-y thing is down 21% on the year, Jaguar is down 9%, Scion is down 6%, Volkswagen is down too. Honda is barely scraping by.

I can' t really comment on most of these, but the Mondeo was a decent car. It was pretty much best in class in Europe all through the 90s. Don't know if Ford screwed it up in the transition to the Contour, but I definitely don't agree with your assessment of the Mondeo.

They do make a Wagon and it has 296hp and a 6speed manual. They just call it the LeVorg and refuse to sell it to us.