
What the hell do you mean “relative normalcy?” the National Weather Service just declared this water year the wettest ever recorded, according to the Northern Sierra 8 station monitoring.

I don’t know about their regular drivers causing more traffic, but in my experience their self driving cars are a rolling roadblock on freeways around SF. Traffic typically does 10-15mph faster than the posted speed limit, but the self driving car was trundling along at 4-5mph under the posted speed limit. As soon as

I ran headlong into this when I was shopping for my V8 Explorer last summer (I needed a Miata tow vehicle which wouldn’t be a pain to park every day). I really wanted an 08-10, as they fixed a lot of annoying issues the early 3V modular motors had and they got the beefier 6R80 instead of the 6R60. However finding one

Who is cutting onions?

This show is absolutely dead to me. Screw Velocity/Discovery.!

Saying it’s a $6000 option is pretty misleading. Yes a RF will cost you about that much more than a base Miata, but the RF isn’t available for the base Miata. It’s much more accurate to say the RF is a $2700 option for the club and GT trim. Both of which are about $3000 more than a base (sport trim) Miata.

I’ll just leave this here...

Pixie cut... Problem solved!

If I recall correctly these are some what common incidents at this particular airport due to its layout. The taxi way he landed on is basically the same width as the smaller of the two runways at SNA and is somewhat commonly landed on in error. Notice how runway 20L looks similar to the taxi ways around it. It was a

I recently went through this myself but shied away from the full sized based vehicles because for everyday driving, read parking, they are just too big. I wound up with a 4th Gen (06-10) V8 Explorer. The 3V 4.6 is pretty reliable outside of some niggling issues which are mostly preventable. The ZF based 6R60/6R80 is

I came here to say the same thing. To me the goal was to make the Expedition look more like the “big brother” of the Explorer as it was in the past.

Am I the only one who read the first line of the article and thought “when did a Note 7 blow up at a press conference?”

Who the hell is cutting onions?

So you’re trying to find Nemo? Didn’t they make a movie about this already?

The weight and the torque were huge advantage in race conditions. For a single clear flying lap the P2 cars were significantly faster on many tracks but they simply couldn’t compete in traffic.

I’m so glad the dinosaur DP cars are gone. In theory they were slower than the P2 based cars they also raced against the previous years, but in actual race conditions the P2 cars could not get past the DP cars. The racing should be a lot better than the cluster it was the last several years.

As a Miata owner I’m more interested in the review of your drive than learning why I should let more people drive my cars.

Here I thought I was the only one who wasn’t overly enthralled by the first episode. It was overly predictable, campy and boring. I actually fell asleep in the middle of episode.

I’d like to see more of what Top Gear used to be. More about actual car reviews and less crazy antics.