Looking less terrible is not the same as looking good...
Looking less terrible is not the same as looking good...
My thoughts are he missed the quick 2-3 shift there. All I know for sure is someone said it was their dad’s car in the group D download.
Oh so true!
I was also at the event with my NB2 Miata... You should ask your buddies over at R&T about how Sam Smith grenaded a spec Miata motor between the Corkscrew and turn 9....
Came here to post this, left satisfied!
Not sure if facepalm or laugh
Alanis, your are quickly becoming one of my favorite writers on Jalopnik! Well written and making me root for the underdogs!
Fifth Gear: I love it when a millionaire investor publicly complains that people are paid too much. What he’s effectively saying is take their money away and give it to me. Obviously this case is a little different because he’s talking about people who are paid millions of dollars a year and not line workers, but the…
Sorta but our 2.5i Premium Outback has no issue getting 30+ mpg and considering the size and weight disadvantages of Outback compared with the VW a loss of a couple of MPG isn’t a big deal.
Alcantara... I'm pretty sure no one ever has figured out how to pronounce that word.
This is what happens when most decisions in major companies are made focusing on EPS and a desire for unsustainable growth. If Wall Street doesn’t see your big business as continually growing EPS they can and will ruin your company.
Basically he's screwed, but a Hyundai Genesis Sedan would cover most of his criteria. Finding something with a touch screen display and no backup camera is basically impossible.
But that’s the problem with auto racing on TV in general, the sensation of speed is greatly reduced. Unless you are right there it’s difficult to fully understand speed.
Was the Jeep Liberty owner really that lucky though? I mean they might have been better off having their car totaled.
I still can't figure out why they insist on calling it the shit pack though...
Are you sure that's not hell on the horizon? That is a plume of smoke from one of our forest fires!
Having driven that off road course at Laguna Seca in a Land Rover I'm not too concerned about how the Armada delt with it. That course is specifically designed to pick wheels up off the ground. Range Rovers do basically the same thing, they don't have locking diffs and also used traction control to limit the slip of a…
That's just how Flyin Miata rolls. All of their street V8 conversions are designed to look and drive like stock up until you hammer the go peddle.